The draft of the rule said that all non-client trades had to be "reasonably correlated" to offset a risk the bank was taking for a client. 《沃尔克规则》草案提出,所有非客户交易都必须有“较为紧密的关联”,以抵消投行为客户承担的风险。
Bern warned it might go as far as confiscating the data, should a US court in Miami rule the bank was obliged to transfer the client names requested. 瑞士政府警告称,如果美国迈阿密一家法庭裁定,瑞银有义务移交所要求的客户姓名,瑞方可能会没收相关材料。
One recruitment expert warned the rule could make it harder for Deutsche Bank to attract senior talent as the potential job candidates might not be willing to put at risk stock earned at a previous bank. 一名招聘专家警告称,这条规则可能加大德银吸引资深人才的难度,因为潜在求职者也许不愿意让自己在另一家银行挣得的股票面临风险。
Mr Schmidt admitted he could not rule out the possibility that personal data such as bank account details were among the data collected. 施密特承认,他不可能排除这种可能性,即银行账户细节等个人信息也在收集到的信息之列。
And Taylor himself created an influential monetary policy rule, which stipulates how much a central bank should change the nominal interest rate in response to divergences of actual inflation rates or gross domestic product from target inflation and potential GDP. 泰勒本人就创建了一项很有影响的货币政策规则。根据这项规则,央行应根据实际通胀率或GDP偏离目标通胀率或潜在GDP的程度,相应地调整名义利率。
The group is drafting comments on implementation of the Volcker rule limiting proprietary trading in large banks, and trying to invent a structure for a new kind of mutual bank. 该团体正在对旨在限制大银行自营交易的沃尔克规则(volckerrule)的实行发表评论,并试图为一种新型互助银行创造出一种架构。
In the advice of transfer, where there is a100% transfer, the transferring bank may make a modification of the rule to state that the documents are to be sent direct to the issuing bank. 在转让通知中,如果是100%的转让,转让行可以修改该规则,声明单据可直接寄送给开证行。
A rule of thumb is that priority lending cuts bank profits by a fifth. 根据以往经验,重点贷款会使银行的利润减少五分之一。
The rule was aimed at cracking down on people applying for cheaper-rate first mortgages when they already owned properties purchased without bank loans. 该规则的目的是打击第一申请人抵押贷款更便宜的利率,他们已经拥有了没有银行贷款的物业购买。
On the domestic political front, the rule of thumb is that a redundant car worker is 10-times more tragic than a jobless bank clerk. 在国内政治方面,经验法则是,一个下岗的汽车业工人,要比一个失业的银业职员悲惨十倍。
How to establish the rule between the disclosure of bank information and the protection of Financial Privacy Right becomes a key problem. 如何协调两者之间的关系,确立两者协调的规则成为了不得不解决的难题。
The political prohibition rule to ban interference of political affairs of member states is one of the operational principles of the World Bank. 禁止干涉成员国政治事务原则,系世界银行的基本业务原则之一。
Doing by rule and discretion is substitutive choice that the Central Bank faces. 按规则行事还是相机抉择是中央银行的两个替代性选择。
Goldman declined to comment but executives say that if the Volcker Rule is passed, it would probably sell its deposit-taking bank, which is an insignificant part of Goldman's$ 900bn-plus balance sheet. 高盛拒绝置评。但高管们表示,倘若沃尔克规则获得通过,高盛可能会出售吸收存款银行。在高盛总额逾9000亿美元的资产负债表上,这项业务无足轻重。
As per a rule of our Government remittance of foreign bank charges is not permissible from Bangladesh. 按照我方政府规定,不得接受自孟加拉汇出的境外银行费用。
The Temasek executives do not rule out adding further bank holdings in Asia as opportunities arise. 对于机会出现时进一步增持亚洲银行业股份的可能性,这位淡马锡高管没有排除。
At the same time, this thesis gives the rule of item bank design, discusses the quality control of item bank through the validity and the choice of test questions type. 同时,给出了题库设计原则,从题库的有效性、试题类型选择等方面探讨了题库质量控制。
Rule Extraction from Neural Network and its Application in Bank Loans Risk Early Warning 基于神经网络的规则抽取技术在贷款风险预警研究中的应用
According to reality situation hi Bank of China Mudanjiang Branch, the author goes step further to detail and perfect the ALRM's index within the rule of the Central Bank and Bank of China Head Office. 论文结合中国银行牡丹江市分行的实际,在中央银行与中国银行总行规定的范围内对资产负债比例管理的指标进行了重新细化,进一步完善了该行资产负债比例管理指标的设置。
80/ 20: A Potential Rule for Bank Loans 80/20:银行贷款潜规则
The results of cointegration test prove that Taylor rule can describe the tendency of China interbank offer rate appropriately and serve as an important foundation or indicator when central bank establishes its monetary policy. 检验结果表明,泰勒规则可以恰当地描述我国银行间拆借利率的具体走势,并充当央行货币政策的决策依据。
As market-directed economy is a kind of rule of law economy, commercial bank M A must adhere to the rule of market that M A is a market-directed conduct. 市场经济是法治经济,商业银行并购作为一种市场行为,必须遵守市场法则。
According to the international rule, the bank cash convoy all is undertaken by the specialized convoy company. 按照国际惯例,银行的现钞押运都是交由专业的押运公司承担。
Chapter two expounded the rule and practice of international effective bank supervision. 第二章论述了国际有效银行监管规则与实践。在第一节中主要介绍了《巴塞尔协议》产生的背景及借鉴意义。
Based on this rule, when supplying the money base, the central bank should arrange the banks in a descending turn according to their credit assets 'elasticity to employment, and the bank whose loan assets are high employment-elastic can get the fiat money first. 按照这一操作规则,基础货币在供应时要将银行按照其信贷资产的就业弹性高低排序,提供就业弹性高的贷款的银行优先得到基础货币供应。
The results show that there is significant interest rate smoothing in Taylor Rule of China, and also in actual actions of central bank, while serially correlated shocks are important but has no effect on the degree of interest rate smoothing. 经验结果显示,中国泰勒规则中存在很明显的利率平滑行为,货币政策实际操作中也一样,序列相关冲击并不影响这一结论。
A monetary policy rule not only can guide the central bank to make feasible monetary policies but can improve the effectiveness, credibility and transparency of monetary policies. 货币政策规则不仅可以成为中央银行制定货币政策的行动指南,而且可以提高货币政策的有效性、可信性和透明度。
The dissertation then proposes a innovative route concerning manipulative rules with detail, i.e. operates according to "Employment Elasticity Rule", which means the central bank adjust its base money according to the variation of financial institutions 'average assets weighted by employment elasticity. 本文还进一步就具体的操作规则提出一条创新的思路&按照就业弹性单一规则操作。其基本含义是,中央银行基础货币依据金融机构以就业弹性为权重计算的加权资产总额变动。
The monetary policy rule is of great importance when central bank makes monetary policies. Choosing a single rule or discretion has always been an issue which worthies studying. 货币政策规则是中央银行制定货币政策时的重要依据,货币政策应该采取单一规则还是相机抉择一直是一个值得研究的问题。
The rule bank composed by decomposition rule is an important constituent part of repository supporting software formal design. 分解规则构成的规则库是支持软件形式化设计的知识库的重要组成部分。